Jared Tulayan

> projects > apps > hold-my-coffee.html

Hold My Coffee

A small bullet hell made in Java

During our junior year, me and my friend decided to run through a two-week program-building project that our AP Java class did. During this time, we did some planning and decided to make a bullet hell in java. What came out was Hold My Coffee, a simple bullet hell built using LibGDX.

This wasn’t just a fun game that we decided to build; there were many things we were trying out and experimenting with: trying out working with an ECS, spatial partitioning for collision checking, etc. We learned a lot of things about writing state machines, working with ECS’s, the features (and limitations) of different spatial partitioning methods, and even some basic art and design things.

Hold My Coffee holds a special place with me and my friend, and is often a reminder of where we’ve been, and where we may be in the future.