Jared Tulayan

> about.html


About the Author #


I’m a Rutgers graduate, having majored in Computer Science and minored in music. I’ve been programming for ~8 years, learning languages such as Java and C#, but also dabbling in other applications such as networking and server applications. Musically, I enjoy both playing music and writing music. I am a guitarist first, but have dabbled with other instruments such as bass, drums, saxophone, and piano.

Beyond that, I have some extra hobbies that I like partaking in, particularly woodworking. I’ve always been interested in luthery, and have taken advantage of my time working at the Rutgers Makerspace to use their tools to build some guitars. I’ve definitely helped more people build guitars than I’ve spent building my own guitars, however.

About the Website #

This website serves as both my blog and and portfolio site. Here, I hope to document not only all of my projects, but a lot of my life experiences on this site.