Jared Tulayan

> blog > welcome.html




Welcome to my new blog! This isn’t much of a post since the content of this is more for my own testing. However, I do want to address some things about this site in this post, just to kill two birds with one stone.

First off, this site serves as not only my portfolio site for my projects (non-programming including), but serves as a place where I can get some thoughts out onto a space. For me, it just gives my head some freedom to rant/talk/teach/etc. Some fun things might come out of the fact that I have this freedom now:

Second, I will host all the info about my relevant programming projects on this website. Keyword here is relevant–I definitely have more projects on my GitHub, but I don’t feel like it helps any context of me being here; either they were passion projects that fell out of love, or the project was just something I posted more for testing. Either way, they aren’t things I feel like making a post for. There may come a time where a project I wasn’t working on becomes relevant, obviously, but until that happens, they probably won’t have a post.

Third, code is definitely going to be in some of these posts. This is what it’s going to look like fenced off (this clip is from my project Hold My Coffee).

 * Abstract class intended on creating actions that can be schedule with the boss.
 * This allows for better control over what the boss does/can do during certain stages
 * or events.
 * @author Jared Tulayan
public static abstract class Action {
    public boolean parallel = false;
        * Runs the task.
        * @param boss the {@code Entity} that this task is scheduled for
        * @param deltaTime the amount of time passed since last frame
        * @return whether or not the task is finished
    public abstract boolean act(Entity boss, float deltaTime);

I will try to be as cognisant as possible to tag posts with the relevant tags so that people know what they don’t want to read.

That’s all for now, catch up soon.